
It takes a village to raise a child, and a supportive community to raise researchers. I have grown, been empowered and continue to be challenged by a number of research communities, to which I continue to give back through a number of service activities. The requirements engineering community is where I developed as an independent researcher after my doctoral studies and where I became passionate about never giving up trying to untangle the complexities of value, and stakeholder management in software projects. The computer-supported collaborative work community has shaped by thinking and gave me frameworks to study communication and coordination without which software projects would not be possible. Contributing to the global software engineering community made me realize the impact we can have on industry's pressing problems. Overall, the software engineering community is where challenges at scale can be addressed, and advocated for; the recent ones include: research for impact as much as knowledge advancement, openness and replication, and diversity and inclusion.

They say that you are as good as your network, and I see this as a two-way street: to leverage the experts in your network, you have to try to become one yourself; not only learning from the giants before you, but also taking the time to help others grow at their best through mentoring in many forms: paper reviews, presentations on strategies and successes, talking to young researchers on research or work-life balance matters.

Journal Editorial Board Member and Special Issue Guest Editor

  • Transactions on Software Engineering (2013-2019)
  • Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, Senior Board Member (2020-present) * Guest editor, Special issue from RE19, 2020
  • Journal of Software Systems, Human Fators Area Editor (2013-present) * Guest editor, Special issue from RE19, 2020
  • Journal of Requirements Engineering (2004-2019)
  • IEEE Software, Guest Editor Special Issue on The Social Developer (2018)

Conference Organization and Reviewing

  • Program Chair, ICSE 2022
  • Program Chair, International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE) 2019
  • Program Chair, Software Engineering Education (SEET) at ICSE 2019
  • Program Chair, Software Engineering Impact in Society (SEIS) at ICSE 2014
  • Program Chair, Requirements Engineering: Foundations for Software Quality (REFSQ) 2012
  • Program Chair, ICGSE (International Conference on Global Software Engineering) 2006
  • Program Board Member, ICSE 2015-2019
  • Program Board Member, RE 2005-2018
  • PC Member, ICSE 2020, 2021
  • PC Member, ICGSE 2006-2020
  • PC Member, ACM/SIGSOFT Foundations of Software Engineering 2008, 2015
  • PC Member, International Working Conference on Mining

Mentorship in International Community

  • Mentor, New Faculty Symposium, ICSE 2021
  • Invited Talk, Doctoral Symposium, REFSQ 2021
  • Chair, Doctoral Symposium, RE 2016
  • Chair, Doctoral Symposium, ICSE 2012
  • Chair, Doctoral Symposiu, ICGSE 2009
  • Chair, Doctoral Symposiu, FSE 2006


  • Canadian representative, ACM-Women in Computing-- North America Executive Committee
  • IFIP 2.9 Working Group on Requirements Engieering
  • Professional Engineer with Engineers and Geoscientists, BC
  • Senior Associate Member with the Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies (CAPI), UVic
  • IWIST (Island Women in Science and Technology, Vancouver Island

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